owning my narrative; claiming my destiny
“My soul does not internalise others’ shame,
my heart does not carry the burden of others’ crimes
and my conscience does not permit silence.
Today, I put indignity where it belongs.”
By Heera Alaya
Janus 1st, 2025
Via official communication
The Offices of:
The Director-General of World Health Organisation [WHO]
The Prime Minister of Singapore
“We all have the power to change the course of history
when the beliefs we are fighting for are right.“
Congolese gynecologist and Nobel laureate
Dear leaders,
I want to start by thanking Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for focusing attention on suicide with the World Health Organisation’s [WHO] World Suicide Prevention theme for 2024-20261 : “Changing the Narrative on Suicide.”
True personal stories become obligatory in addressing the holistic perspective of suicide and rewriting the future for a value-added humanity. In accordance with the WHO theme, I am changing the narrative—publicly exposing my wrongful incarceration, reasserting my rights, reclaiming my stolen identity and asserting ownership of my destiny.
I request your patience in reading my protracted, righteous indignation-laced letter.2
Please note that I will share a copy separately with select Heads of State, of which one will emphasise special attention. I aim for excellence, and turning truth into purpose demands an ensemble of exceptionally skilled and dedicated experts. And because radical change demands radical commitment, in addition to my truth, tangible proof, and evidence derived from scientific research, if my statements, given under oath, are found to be false, I will accept the appropriate punishment.

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, my journey has roots—of academic excellence—in Singapore.3 A forerunner, Singapore is the greenest city-state in Asia, with advanced infrastructure and the best education system. This high standard comes predominantly from visionary leadership that benefits future generations—case in point: the late Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding father [the first Prime Minister of Singapore, 1959 to 1990], whose ingenuity is a testament to transforming an ordinary island into a first-class nation.
Retaining Singapore’s excellence demands responsible passing of the exceptional leadership baton—in the calibre and commitment of the individual taking over stewardship of the country. I commend you, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, for your openness and for making ‘mental health a key priority in the national [Singaporean] agenda.’
In publishing my two-part open letter, my aim is ten-fold:
- Honour: individuals of extraordinary courage.
- Illuminate: the path for scapegoats and for my truth to act as a guide to prevent abetting scapegoat suicides.
- Prevent: crimes against my animal family from whom I have learned authenticity, intuition, vulnerability, self-reliance, healing, resilience and courage.
- Highlight: coerced scapegoat suicide, weaponised suicide and sororicide.
- Condemn: my perpetrators and the inherently compromised society.
- Overhaul: the harmful stigma that perpetuates victim shame, blame and silence, preventing them from healing.
- Educate: the decent minority to prevent coerced scapegoat suicide and call out weaponised suicide.
- Propose: government investment in in-depth research, age-appropriate awareness programs and enforcement.
- Announce: a strong message to perpetrators, their support cast and offenders that their crimes and destructive actions have severe consequences.
- Forgive: myself for seeing the morally bankrupt and thoroughly spineless through my rose-tinted glasses, and restore my tattered reputation, devised to crush my spirit by undermining my credibility.
I contemplated suicide 25 years ago.
As a young adult, I was blindsided by the scale of orchestrated cruelty—betrayal, character assassination—labelling me a cheater and a drug addict, smear campaigns and public humiliation at the hands of an actor with whom I was in a long-term relationship, known to the public.
My young mind could not comprehend how the person—who landed lost at my doorstep—I took under my compassionate wings—included, supported, protected, encouraged and cheered—became antagonistic overnight. And how I went from standing for days and nights on end at the actor’s bedside in a hospital, caring for him (including changing his bedpans) as he recovered from “supposed” 4 spine surgery to him flipping the switch—abruptly shutting off with no access or communication.5
The actor’s criminality
—slander, libel, gaslighting society and grooming his fans for violence6—
and contemptible lies designed to promote unforgivable attacks
on my dignity, integrity, sanity and safety
made me spiral into despair, making me want to commit suicide.
I want to underscore that my contemplation to end my life did not stem from a “juvenile relationship failure” or one that ended harmoniously (I had no closure, ever.). Instead, my suicide contemplation stemmed from the premeditated orchestration of my dismantling, severe shock and public humiliation. There is a clear distinction, which is imperative to note.
Being a successful public figure compounded my trauma and suffering. The bribed media7 joined the conspiracy of vandalising my character and well-being, and the internet emblazoned my continuous smearing. In addition, the “god-fearing” society that profited from me—from professional entertainment to voluntary service and personal generosity—participated in my dismemberment, fanning the flames and judging me through their lens of moral bankruptcy, addictions and debauchery.
My survival 25 years back did not end there—it was the first dreadful act, setting the stage for unfathomable hell to come across continents—in the United States of America. The scale of premeditated cruelty by the male specimen I was convinced to marry eclipsed the actor’s premeditated crimes. The second act, jointly masterminded (as well), drenched in slander and libel (of being mentally unsound, requiring confinement), tossed me into a state of unimaginable shock. I was uprooted yet again, country-suspended and thrown alone into this gruesomeness.
The subsequent, crucial chapter
is revolting, abominable and chilling.
Human of extraordinary courage
Thank you—from all of us who show up in life—for owning your narrative and being the light.
We share your pain. We slam the shame. We cheer your courage.
And we wish you, Madame Gisèle, quiet to rest and heal.

The demonic cult hijacked my identity
and projected on me their heinous depravity.
Despite my insurmountable challenges and through my escalating trauma—true to my bloodhound mindset—I prioritised truth, refusing to settle for ambiguity, dissuasion and murkiness. Instead, I remained firmly committed to challenging the decades of continuous cumulative unexplained crimes against me. My annihilation, over decades, occurred in full ‘enabling’ view and with enlisting so-called “god-fearing”, well-placed and textbook-qualified specimens—medical manslaughter professionals to entertainers, lawyers to police officials, bureaucrats to accountants, seafarers to aviators, builders to entrepreneurs, hoteliers to restaurateurs and house spouses to house help. To spread slander, ruin relationships and torch me down, my perpetrator of sororicide employed (and employs) her tribe—perverted and dangerous from the underbelly of the morally bankrupt society.
The covert demonic sadistic cult systematically framed me, slandering and labelling8 me a sex addict, mentally unsound, drug addict, troublemaker, alcoholic, hostile and unstable loser [The god-fearing good guy society lapped it up, generously sprinkling their ugliness.]. By systematically traumatising, isolating and destabilising me, the deviant cult pushed me into incomprehensible depths of hopelessness—a state designed to leave the truth-speaking scapegoat with no option but to commit suicide.
Respected leaders, unless you experience continuous covert merciless violence
that makes your blood run cold in your veins, you cannot fathom the truth.
It will be accurate to state that the combined creative genius
of Todd Phillips [Joker], Bong Joon-ho [Parasite] and Thomas Harris [The Silence of the Lambs]
could not have written the script of my life.
If, as a baby, my skull had fractured as a result of being thrown on the floor; if, as a child, I had died in the Military Hospital; if, as a teenager, I had been molested by the men set up to assault me, if, as a young adult, I had committed suicide, if, as an adult, I had been pummeled to death, if, I had gone missing, if…there would be no answers; I would have been another cold case. This harsh truth makes me deeply pained for the child in me, incredibly sad for the young, innocent woman I was and highly furious for the numerous innocent scapegoat lives set up for grave, irretrievable damage.
My survival—from childhood—is not a mystery; it is a responsibility, and best summed up by the Chinese philosopher Mencius: “When heaven is about to confer a great responsibility on any man, it will exercise his mind with suffering, subject his sinews and bones to hard work, expose his body to hunger, put him to poverty, place obstacles in this paths of his deeds, so as to stimulate his mind, harden his nature, and improve wherever he is incompetent.”
I do not expect a shift in conscience
from the impoverished-impotent society9—existing in collective comatose.
Eschewing responsibility is the domain of the spiritually dead.
A compromised society—inherently programmed to subjugate the human spirit—engages the crutches of escapism: antiquated harmful culture, lowest common entertainment, humbuggery religious practices, infantile behaviour, passing the buck and lying to escape facing hard truths and remaining divorced from life. Moreover, their moral bankruptcy establishes, invests in and maintains suffocating ecosystems that guarantee the permanence of soul cancer.
Crime thrives in image-conscious societies shackled to personal profiting and a herd mentality; here, the egotistical defensive machinery goes overboard to cover crimes. This compromised collective is the mainstay of perpetrators. Perpetrators—with their flawless portrayals of the pitiful victim, sincere saviour, and morally upstanding person—bank on ignorance, prejudice and cowardice as much as they do on position and association.
Crime is never solitary
—perpetrators who harm one harm many in multiple ways.
Overconfidence in their ability to evade detection and be held accountable for their actions ensures the continuity of crimes. A revolting double-life leading American perpetrator, whose ‘depravity” is best described in the words of Chief Justice Michael Grant: “It falls outside the ordinary human conception,” bragged: “It is ‘Catch Me If You Can [Steven Spielberg directed movie]—outsmarting people and getting away with crimes is an adrenaline rush, as thrilling as committing crimes,” further adding, “Every criminal believes he is the one who will not get caught.”
Lucy Letby [former neonatal nurse convicted of murdering seven infants], Adam Britton [crocodile expert convicted of bestiality and animal cruelty] and Chris Watts [convicted of familicide] are not odd cases. Increasing crimes, from home to hospitals and real life to cyberspace, are made possible thanks to the supporting cast of enablers who hide incriminating information, defend, justify, abet and normalise grievous crimes. For instance, in the case of Lucy Letby (as reported), the medical insiders who knew looked the other way.
“Never, never be afraid to do what’s right,
especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake.
Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul
when we look the other way.”
American Baptist minister and activist
We skirt around awareness, failing to dive deep and hold individuals and society accountable for their actions. We must go beyond the RIPs [rest in peace] and candlelight vigils. We must go beyond the spectatorship—freebie-enticing chat shows, TRP-avaricious [Target rating point] breaking news, and (anti) social media clicks.
Currently, the focus on suicide is mainly limited to factors such as academic stress, chronic disease, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health conditions, romantic relationship failure, loneliness, harassment, exhaustion and financial issues.
I request you leaders to give prominence to three categories:
1. Coerced scapegoat suicide.
Changing the narrative for a safer future for scapegoat children and adults includes a deeper understanding of a complex, menacing strategy employed by a demonic cult. Each member of the deathly depraved cult operates in sync, manipulating the narrative and masterminding smear campaigns against the scapegoat, methodically slandering, destroying, isolating, destabilising and ostracising the scapegoat victim, pushing them into a strangulating web.
The frail and defeated state of the scapegoat
leaves them with only one choice—
to commit suicide.
It is a punch to the gut to know of the innocent scapegoats who are dehumanised and destroyed beyond repair. Besides, it is an absolute shame that brilliant and compassionate scapegoats are denied the right to contribute their high standards and brilliance to raising the overall bar of society. Instead, scapegoats are killed repeatedly in many ways by scores of people, ultimately left with no choice but to take their lives. And even in their death, the society projects its ills on the diseased scapegoat, relishing slander. These evil operations must stop.
2. Weaponised suicide.
Perpetrators employ suicide to instil fear in a child they are sexually abusing; to demean, disfigure and control a victim; manipulate therapists and society; and as punishment—the ultimate vile act of taking one’s life upon being exposed.
3. Sororicide.
As the foundation determines the outcome, addressing the cumulative transgenerational seeds of crimes leading to sororicide is imperative. As in scientific research, each responsible individual must contribute to the previous generation [American physicist and Nobel laureate Owen Chamberlain] to further humanity.
An optimistic future for humanity
comes with acknowledgement, awareness and action.
Respected leaders, I take this moment to convey ten crucial points for victims of weaponised suicide and coerced suicide in hopes it will serve as their survival guide.
- A person who loves you will never abet your suicide. Only a morbidly jealous person will fabricate lies to crush your spirit, ruin you and gaslight an entire society into believing you are the culprit.
- A responsible person will never resort to suicide threats. Only sick perpetrators employ suicide threats (and self-harm) as coercive control—yelling, name-calling, stomping, throwing, accusing, threatening, instigating, projecting their comorbidity and violating your boundaries—to frighten and punish a victim.
- A perpetrator(s) will always deny wrongdoing. At worst, they will claim not to have meant it, and at best, they will ask for your forgiveness, again. This manipulative tactic is designed to suck you in and further destroy you.
- A healthy family dynamic will never employ suicide threats to dehumanise, dominate and destroy you. A demonic-depraved cult, while weaponising suicide, will craft chaos to prevent others from seeing the scale of their unforgivable crimes and simultaneously inflict trauma on an isolated and ostracised scapegoat, pushing them to suicide.
- The perpetrator who inflicts the most severe crimes on a child is the leader of the pack, exercising covert, coercive control. If you bring to attention weaponised suicide or/and call out a perpetrator of child sexual abuse, the enablers will assault you and get others to harm you. The glue that holds an “outwardly honourable” cult is shame, secrecy and slaughter.
- Suicide threats—from collecting sleeping tablets to mock suicide runaways are tactics employed by a perpetrator of sex crimes—to throw off the scent. And an enmeshed adult10, whose survival from childhood depended on their perpetrator and who has been groomed and controlled from childhood to protect the “virgin-victim acting” abuser, will continue the charade to protect their perpetrator, deceive society and set people against the truth-teller as a punishment—for exposing their deviance.
- Exploitative specimens will attempt to crawl into your life during your vulnerable phase and, in the name of astrology and godmen, convince you that you will commit suicide—to plant fear and doubt to exploit you. Document their conduct and refuse to engage with avaricious criminals.
- Unlike mature, decent people who will not normalise, defend and enable suicide threats, the jealous, corrupt, ignorant and cowardice—who identify with the Dr Jekyll and Hyde personalities [being two-faced] of perpetrators—will, in addition to not believing a truth-teller, trivialise suicide threats, justify perpetrator crimes and mock your trauma.
- A profoundly flawed, disease-infected society (including alleged healthcare professionals and law enforcement) will harm you equally. Besides, those in a position (including those you helped) to lend you a hand will not; instead, they will distance themselves, mislead you and gossip about you. Do not ask after their silence, betrayal and unavailability, as they have already shown you their limitations and established their foul identity.
- Focus on you, quietly. The effective way for adults to deal with escalating suicide threats is to walk away—permanently—from the situation. Since children do not have agency, responsible adults must intervene and act ethically.
Leaders, my respect for animals is unparalleled, making it imperative for me to share significant points for caring pet owners, independent thinking, responsible people and boundary-enforcing, accountable veterinarians.
- Persona: Sadistic perpetrators do not display their innate nature—physical aggression and cruelty that feed their sadism. Instead, to manipulate people’s perceptions, sadists operate under the hijacked identity of the scapegoat—compassionate, invested and concerned. The outward behaviour will include taking the pet to a veterinarian (whose impaired judgement makes them part of the ills against the animal) and asking for advice from friends.
- Chronic sickness: The ill health of pets—of a sadistic perpetrator—persists for extended periods. You might also hear the perpetrator mention that an astrologer has predicted the sickliness of a pet.
- Patterns: Crimes against pets (or any animals) often share common characteristics—symptoms, suffering behaviour and cause of death. For instance, when a sadistic perpetrator—operating under an angel persona—kills pets with rat poison, the pets will have difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, weakness, bloody urine, etc, and likely die of acute kidney failure.
- Projection: As an illustration, when a pet (or any animal) is poisoned, the sadistic perpetrators, in passing, will casually insinuate that someone else must have poisoned the pet (s): “The veterinarian injected the wrong drug or the Muslim neighbour poisoned the pet.
- Abandon: When a stray cat comes into their house, a sadistic perpetrator initially feeds the animal. When the animal settles into safety and finds comfort in others’ affection, the sadist (s) will abandon the scared and confused animal in the middle of the night in an isolated area.
- Pining: The sadistic perpetrator gets a high on witnessing suffering. So when a chronically ill pet, say a beagle, gets a stray kitten for a companion, the sadist will encourage the friendship. In time, the sadist will kill the kitten, expressing sadness but relishing the broken heart of the dog and others who invested in the pets.
- Varying narratives: A definitive cause of the kitten’s death (mentioned above, in Pining) must exist. However, a sadistic perpetrator will have several narratives, from the veterinarian killing the kitten to the sister-in-law throwing the kitten from the third floor. In reality, the kitten was killed by the sadist, who is relishing the kitten’s death, the deep sadness of the beagle and the manipulation of the audience.
- Overly concerned: Sadistic perpetrators will show exaggerated concern over others pets undergoing treatment and reports of animal cruelty.
- Shared perpetrator abuse: A sadist will leave the pet (while on holiday) in the care of a perpetrator of sex crimes, who will abuse the pet. On your return, you will find the pet whittled down to the bones, infected with lice, in a state begging to be euthanised.
- Enabling crimes and suffering: Continuous crimes—spanning decades—are made possible by abusive co-dependents who exist in denial., make excuses and refuse to acknowledge the truth. To call enablers a disgrace is an insult to the word disgrace.
is the best conductor of excellence.
I ask you, leaders: How are we going to account for mysterious infant deaths? How are we going to explain unexplained children’s accidents? How do we classify baffling disappearances? How do we explain puzzling deaths? How do we justify shaming scapegoats who are pushed to commit suicide? How many innocents are menacingly arm-twisted into taking antipsychotic drugs because of their profitability—perpetrators to further destroy their victim, the hospital’s revenue generation and the pharmaceutical industry’s revenue? How safe are neonatal wards? How out of harm’s way is the so-called glorified family unit? How ethical and safe are inhospitable hospitals? How many pets have to die under mysterious circumstances while in the care of pitiable-pious people? How many pets are framed to pine for their animal playmate who is poisoned to death? How do we account for covert animal torture?
Posing these grave issues
is about transforming truth into purpose.
I am advocating for children’s and animal rights, requesting putting into place laws that criminalise weaponising suicide, demanding specific research, revitalising awareness initiatives, and implementing enforceable laws.
A clear call to action focuses on the gravity of the information and taking ownership of this cancerous situation. Making survivor stories public, including holding responsible everyone involved in abetting suicide and soul slaughter, will bring about greater awareness, prevent monstrous distress and suffering leading to suicides, inject new vigour in victims, introduce new laws, and put in place systems that safeguard the human spirit, facilitating a healthier, responsible tomorrow.
Human of extraordinary courage
Thank you on behalf of truth-telling children.
Your testimony at the tender age of seven is a remarkable accomplishment.
Despite your internal conflict, you, A.J, chose to uphold your values and speak the truth.

It is far more essential to invest in the foundation
—ensuring stability—
than to help stabilise a crumbling structure.
Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, by focusing primarily on saving buildings from collapse, we overlook the element that most affect catastrophe—the load-bearing structural foundation of a child. Instead of mainly designing initiatives for adults, I urge you to prioritise age-appropriate awareness programs for children, creating spaces for children to express their trauma in confidentiality. Children are whole humans, capable of comprehending information. When children adhere to weaponised suicide and keep shameful secrets, we cannot claim children will not understand positive information.
The robust pillars laid by the late Prime Minister Lee Kuan ensure Singapore’s exceptional rise. Similarly, a child’s foundation determines their soul’s wellness. Justifying and normalising violence of any form against children is unacceptable. In addition to putting into place laws that criminalise weaponising suicide, I request stricter legal consequences (including criminalising collaborators who defend, normalise and facilitate abuse) for sexual abuse and corporal punishment of children. Child abuse alters the neurocircuit of a child, destroying a child’s well-being—emotional, spiritual and psychological, setting a child up for severe behavioural impact and criminality.
Singapore’s education system is ranked among the best in the world, prioritising independent critical thinking, perception of complex issues, problem-solving and intellectual engagement. Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, I trust that, under your leadership, your government will invest substantially in researching coerced scapegoat suicide, weaponised suicide and sororicide.
I hope Singapore’s brand of social messaging—a paradigm of excellence with ethics and value at the core will be disseminated worldwide.
To express my commitment to changing the narrative on suicide, I borrow your words Prime Minister Lawrence Wong: “My mission is clear: to continue defying the odds and to sustain this miracle called Singapore.” Continuously refusing to internalise others’ shame and staying free of the crushing burden of their criminal actions makes certain I do not shrink from my true narrative and keep ownership of my power.
Experience, research and education without enforcement have no value.
It is vital to appropriate the right pathways to deliver impactful information.
Shame flourishes in secrecy, fear and silence,
destroying every cell of the body with shame cancer.
Thanks to their lack of character and deeply ingrained weakness and shame, every perpetrator, offender and enabler will conclude that the wronged person will internalise their unpardonable, shameful crimes. My perpetrators and their support cast—thanks to their cognitive framework—assumed I would absorb their shame, shrivel in fear, suffer amnesia, crawl under a rock and decay. Besides, the compromised society overspilling with enablers and conveniently silent spectators—who perpetuate cycles of suffering, interpreted me by their standards—construed my quiet and sensitive nature and my peaceful and calm demeanour for weakness and subservience. The late Lebanese-American writer and poet Khalil Gibran accurately expressed: “Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”
My fortitude should not astonish my perpetrators, offenders and enablers—my courage originates from my heart, my cor [Latin for heart], the same heart from which they all profited for decades. My core, my heart, is the source of my deep feelings and heart-powered undertakings.
My soul does not internalise others’ shame,
my heart does not carry the burden of others’ crimes
and my conscience does not permit silence.
Today, I put indignity where it belongs.
I publicly shame the demonic cult who obliterated me and projected11on me their identity—inconceivable depravity, complex comorbidity and unforgivable cruelty and reclaim my stolen identity of integrity, honesty and goodness. I publicly abase the actor who pushed me to contemplate suicide; he will take his last breath with bloody hands, never knowing what it is to be a real man—of character, honesty, integrity and courage. I publicly shame the unscrupulous and deviant spineless sinners who hijacked my life and harmed me beyond belief. And I publicly condemn the cast of enablers, smear campaigners, betrayers, gossipers and pretenders.
To you all, I unapologetically repeat—in bold and capitals
—the idiom [Deuteronomy 5:9]:
“The sins12 of the fathers are visited upon the children.”
As I lift the veil on the stigma designed to ensure an individual’s deterioration—to become part of the crippled-comatose society, I encourage scapegoats (and those who are wronged in different ways) to tap into their life force, fight the army infected with moral bankruptcy and spiritual destitution and break the barriers of fear and silence. You owe it to yourselves to honour your life.
I was wrongly incarcerated for over 25 years.
Today, I stand vindicated, but with miles to go before I sleep
[Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”].

My love and loyalty
for my beautiful-robust soul is singular.
Mr Prime Minister, it is a privilege for me to belong to a rare elite group of individuals for whom allegiance to honesty and integrity is essential to their existence.
In my early twenties, I participated in a televised India-Singapore anti-narcotics campaign, a matter of great pride for me. I do not speak for others, but I walk my talk—I was (and remain) ethically equipped to lend my face to this anti-narcotics campaign.
The machinery of my character assassination and smear campaigns included labelling me a drug addict. The fact is I have never consumed narcotics in any form in the past, and nor will I in the future, even if offered a billion American dollars.
The fact is also that I abhor normalising pharmaceutical-chemical drugs and find it disturbing to see the rejection of one’s body and the casual acceptance of medications to combat mounting illnesses. My clean living aligns with my compassionate beliefs, which begin with my body. At my age, it takes overall wellness to (weather-dependent) walk four to ten hours and swim nine hundred meters effortlessly.
Mr Prime Minister, I do not covet attention or fame; instead, I aim to prove my merit—”Be a yardstick of quality” [Steve Jobs] and be a voice for individuals walking a path of honesty and integrity. I am glad to undertake any screening, from being cross-questioned by your Narcotics Bureau experts to taking a polygraph on live television. Besides, since I am a just individual, I insist that those who projected their lifestyle on me and those who devoured my slander like gluttons at a buffet be part of this project.
Being a celebrity and being famous is not a qualification for promoting wellness. A reformist approach is essential to overhauling social messaging ambassadors. Authentic progressive societies must distinguish (and reject) public relations-orchestrated celebrity endorsements, insisting on authentic value.
I thank you for your time and conclude with the words of American researcher Brene Brown: “When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.”
I remain at your service.
Yours sincerely,
Heera Alaya
A human of excellence: Arête, the Greek philosopher Aristotle explained, is attained through pursuing virtues like courage, justice, wisdom and temperance.
1. 2024-2026 1 : The moving image was published on 10 September 2024.
2. Indignation-laced letter: Like an aeroplane that requires engines to generate power to take off and become airborne, channelled outrage is essential for constructive change. Conversely, intellectual inertia and overall sloth serve sinking ships—spectators who remain submerged in the darkness of their lives with their amassed corruption and cowardice.
3. Singapore: It would be unfair to throw a blanket statement, terming all Singaporeans “fine.” Individual variations define people; one does not become fine by association. There are individuals whose excellence contributes to Singapore and others—like in any other country—who ride on the coattails of quality. At the same time, their inferiority engages in bribes, money laundering, breaking the law and being parasitic.
4. Supposed: While I, in my goodness, was defending and protecting the actor—from medical insiders who insisted the actor’s sudden spine operations (a surprise to me as well) were orchestrated to generate sympathy and gain the upper hand on his film opponent—the actor was all along masterminding my demolition.
5. Answers: After being betrayed and abandoned without explanation for a drawn-out time, an intermediary arranged a meeting (a few minutes) at a studio. I was still in acute shock and crying inconsolably, pleading for an honest answer from the actor. The actor was ruthlessly cold, not saying much, he uttered: “I am going to marry a woman who looks like a servant; nobody will look at her, and I can have sex with anyone I want.”
6. Violence: Groomed self-concept lacking fans inflict violence—harassment to physical injury, accidents to tangible damage to physical property, and threats—rape to death.
7. Bribed media: On a specific day, I questioned the white envelopes stuffed with black money (the actor had asked me to obtain them from a closet, indicating they were for journalists), to which the actor, to my dismay, declared: “The media have to be bought with money, booze, non-veg, and women.” A fight ensued (I am against bribery and debauched barter.).
8. Slandering and labelling: Anonymous: “Nobody trashes your name more than someone who is afraid you will tell people the truth.” This type of destruction is best described by American psychiatrist specialising in incest and traumatic stress, Judith Lewis Herman: “In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens.”
9. Society: Substandard people quickly lean on excellence (for instance, attaching to Singapore)—from schools to facilities and products to experiences. However, where parasitic gains can generate money, they keep man tethered to mediocrity, incapable of transformation and uplifting humanity. Similarly, despite textbook education, financial stability and modern gadgets, an impoverished society, outfitted with darkness and emptiness, can only operate in the anonymity of the web. Parasites—professional and social media—will read my open letter word for word, plagiarise for profit, and spectators will devour the content in a whirlpool of disbelief, denial and dread.
10. Enmeshed adult: A raging perpetrator attains pleasure from inflicting pain on a child (and others), which the enmeshed child inherits. In addition to inflicting pain on the scapegoat and unsuspecting individuals, the enmeshed child is addicted to perpetuating cycles. To maintain their version of normalcy, the double-life leading sadistic enmeshed adult oscillates between engaging in degrading sexual abuse by scores of strangers and repulsion for their abhorrent secret life. The mainstay of a cult is to maintain chaos—from scapegoating to smearing unsuspecting people with other gullible people—projecting their evil and keeping the water murky, ensuring no one sees the truth.
11. Project: When we do not want to assimilate what we despise, we project it onto others [Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychologist, and founder of analytical psychology]. This projection applies to every one who projected their immorality and depravity on me.
12. The sins: The 1st-century Jewish preacher and religious leader taught his disciples: “Betrayals are inevitable, but great devastation will come to the one guilty of betraying others. It would be better for him to have a heavy boulder tied around his neck and be hurled into the deepest sea than to face the punishment of betraying one of my dear ones!