independent thinking and intentional evolving
By Heera Alaya
March 21st, 2024
with the frenzy of playing fetch
and an overly stuffed tummy
that was fully stretched,
he huffed and puffed,
panted and plonked.
Looking heavenly and peaceful,
she moved from the sunny windowsill,
perching outside
to delight in the weather
and gaze at the lush rolling hills.
Bursting with outright silliness,
he teased,
“You think you are a mighty Highness?”

Maintaining composure,
holding her dignified posture,
she calmly retorted,
“While you play with countless toys,
stuff your face with anything you come by,
make grunting sounds that annoy,
and remain a tail-wagging Mama’s boy,
I ponder.”
Taken aback,
he did what came naturally to him:
continued to tease.
“You are so stupid and boring.
You hardly talk or play,
you simply saunter.
What can a silly, quiet cat ponder?”

Watching his baffled expression,
she bubbled with laughter.
“How to foster, conquer and prosper.”
“What are you talking about?
Fancy words you want to shout?”
he barked.
“And posh cat, can you speak up?”
Softly blinking,
she purposefully whispered,
“Sitting at vantage points,
I observe and think.
I listen and prepare
for my life with great care.”
he muttered, confused.
“I learn from the gentlest flutter of feathers.
I learn from seasons and varying weather.
I learn from natural treasures.”
He laughed furiously,
“Oh! So you live gloriously?”
“I am thinking.
I am meditating.
I am rejuvenating.
I am perfecting my stride.
I am rehearsing my balance.
I am preening and sharpening my claws.
It’s a busy life being a cat.”

Deliberately pausing,
and resuming,
“I learn with each hum,
how not to succumb.
I learn from the silence
and become.
It is in the quiet
that I found myself,
an intelligent, self-reliant,
and graceful cat.”
As she leapt and glided
past his mucky, panting body,
she whispered, even softer,
“Don’t exert yourself
or attempt
venturing into my tranquil land.
You won’t understand
quietness and purpose
amid heaviness and loudness,
Your Highness!”