My seemingly gentle philosophy—soul nourished—is woven on an indiscernible warp and weft of moral courage, sensitivity and integrity, and encompasses an amalgamation of independent thinking and unorthodox living, which engineers an authentic culture of substance and purpose. Diverse worthy voices, invisible deserving lives and sur-warrior chronicles are the cornerstones of my platform.
“I don’t speak to be accepted or validated by the overcrowded world imbued with greed, cowardice and denial; instead, I speak with the wish that my voice, of courage and conviction, be the wind in sails of and ‘a rainbow in someone’s life’ [Maya Angelou, late American poet and civil rights activist].” My self-embracing niche audience comprises emotionally mature, morally conscious, spiritually rich and intellectually stimulating individuals who connect with my overriding principles of integrity and courage and care to be informed by and involved with the broader humanity.
Several of you enquire about joining my initiative. When I talk about joining me on a journey of audacious being, authentic living and intentional evolving, I am not referring to a physical place to congregate and function in an organised manner. My sentiments refer to first serving ourselves by being driven as individuals to organise our inner world in a way that encourages us to live each day with audacity, authenticity and inclusiveness.
My view on “About” pages is that they present facts (not entirely!). The peripheral doesn’t eclipse my inner world–my feelings, thinking and being. Besides, when I depart the physical world, my life will not be about accumulations but how I honoured my soul. Individual echoes my authentic inner world—my soul being.
The photographs (excluding my solo) and moving images on my website are shot by me. Images by authors are credited respectively. Headshots provided by Akbar Cook, Allison Argo, Asha Devi, Bernadett Tuza Ritter, Chef Dominique Crenn, Chiara Manese, Dr Clive Robbins, Dr Kiran Bedi, Dr Mohino Giri, Dr Vandana Shiva, Iana Matei, Josiane Lautredou, Kate Blewett, Lorella Zanardo, Najibullah Quraishi, Natsu Nagae, Robin Chaurasia, Swati Maliwal, Taina Bien Aimè and Yumi Kurosawa.
The non-responsive links will be active in the near future.
I work in alliance with individuals, focusing on their expertise, passions and lives. When the situation demands, I use pseudonym names chosen by my guests. All conversations are edited excerpts.
Your interest and invitations are appreciated. However, I am committed to an undertaking which prevents me from accommodating your requests. My best wishes to you.
I am not on any social media platform except my private Instagram account. Thank you for understanding our reason for denying follower requests. You are welcome to use the Contact Form to send a message.
The Site does not receive hate messages; it has received a sprinkle of self-hate projections over the years. Nondescript faceless cowards—dehumanised infants/children in adult bodies who insist on remaining their perpetrators victims or/and victims of their suffocating reality—project their rage and impotence through anonymity. In attempting to sully, the helpless, power-stripped, and shame-infected exist decaying in the darkness of the web, mirroring the darkness and secrecy of their childhood.
There is truth to the words contributed to American actor, director and producer Denzel Washington: “Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons.” A culturised eco-system—encompassing men and their codependent shadow women paralysed by courage—expects women to downplay their substance and become cogs in rusty wheels. I refused to sign the memo, choosing to represent my authority.
The union of integrity and consequences is like salt and pepper—they go together. Moreover, integrity is impartial. So don’t ask or say—directly or indirectly—what you won’t dare put down in print, don’t behave in a manner you wouldn’t want the world to watch, don’t cross boundaries and don’t demand or suggest unethical practices.
A woman—a farmer, perfumer or carpenter—must be autonomous, advocate for herself, have the authority to make executive decisions, and consistently implement her standards to champion deserving individuals—animals and humans.
Respecting, loving and serving animals and nature—my teachers, healers and cheerleaders—is aligned with my soul. Where humans taught (and remind) me how not to become like them—cowardly, corrupt, ignorant, greedy, jealous, destructive and insincere, animals and nature encourage me to celebrate my sensitivity, own my authenticity, hone my audacity, and walk tall with authority. Becoming a vegan came naturally to me (I was a vegetarian, and those wanting to eat meat, punishingly, tried to impose it.). Two percent of my diet, while travelling, is vegetarian. 2024 marks two decades of turning vegan, and I couldn’t be more content, healthy, and peaceful.